The Jesus Invitation

JESUS said, “Come.” The Pharisees said “Do!”

In Matthew 11: 28-30, Jesus invites all who hear or read His words to experience the refreshment of being His disciple. This metaphor is drawn from the world of field work. A yoke is a heavy wooden harness that fits over the shoulders of a man or oxen. Attached to the equipment, the labor is hard and the load difficult and heavy for man and oxen to pull. Within the context of Matthew’s gospel, the imagery probably refers to a heavy load of religious observances and practices that the scribes and Pharisees had bundled together and placed on peoples backs.

Jesus offers relief for His disciples from the burden of religious practices as a means of attaining self-worth. This passage is the only place in the four gospel accounts where Jesus tells us about His heart - and He says it is “gentle and lowly” (v29). Learning from Jesus is more like rest than work because Jesus, unlike the Pharisees is meek and humble. He longs for a relationship, not a long list of what you can and can’t do.

JESUS said “Take” (v29). When we take His yoke and learn, we find rest, that deeper rest of surrender and obedience.

JESUS said, “Learn from Me” (v29). Life is simplified and unified around the person of Jesus Christ.

A relationship with Christ changes meaningless, wearisome toil into spiritual purpose. Rest in Him. Say yes to His invitation.

Shaun Pillay