Jesus Is Praying for Unity

Jesus’ appointed “hour” has finally arrived. Very soon He will travail in prayer over His impending cross; but now, He intercedes with joy over His beloved disciples. No earthly feast can faintly compare with the nourishment we are given in Jesus’ “high priestly prayer.”

The joy set before Jesus, as He prepared to endure the cross (Heb. 12:2), included at least two things. Jesus longed to return to the Father, to enjoy the life He shared with Him before the world was created. But Jesus also felt great joy in anticipation of redeeming and cherishing His people. He now delights in us and rejoices over us, as a bridegroom over His bride.

Because disciples were given permission to eavesdrop on His prayer, we know what Jesus thinks of us and what He is now praying for us.

Because we are already beloved by Jesus, He prays for the increase of our joy - the same joy that fills His own heart. He also prays for our protection in the world - a battlefield that is also our mission field. He prayed that we may be one in joy and mission.

Our pastoral staff team recently went through the Together With God material put out by Exponential. There is so much truth here …

Now in this last prayer with His disciples before the cross Jesus prays that their unity would become the loudest testimony of His Messiahship. Jesus didn’t want to use individuals, He wanted to use teams. He knew the mission would not be accomplished by gifted individuals but by common people working in unified teams. This would be a witness to the world but also a strategy to reach the world. Jesus chose a team of twelve, as well as others who travelled with Him. Jesus taught the 72 who He sent out in teams of two (Luke 10:1). Paul always had partners and missionary teams with him in his work. The mission demanded spiritual and practical collaboration. This is why Jesus prayed so earnestly for it.

“I have never yet known the Spirit of God to work where the Lord’s people were divided.” - D. L. Moody

Becoming one will help win the world. Unity unleashes effectiveness. Credibility of the person of Jesus will be built by unity in the church.

Jesus last prayer was for UNITY. If unity is our loudest testimony, let us turn up the volume!

The Great Commission is too big for anyone to accomplish alone and too important not to try to do together.” - Steve Moore

Shaun Pillay