You Need 4 People In Your Life

How often do you feel like you are a spider spinning the same web over and over again - unable to see a new and fresh way through your challenges? This feeling often leads us to lose our love of what we’ve been called to do, leading us down the path of discouragement, depression, loneliness, and eventually burnout. Who do you have in your corner to keep this from happening? Allow me to introduce you to who I call The Fab Four. (And I don’t mean The Beatles.)

These are the four people you should surround yourself with. (Credit goes to Chris Hogan, but I would like to add my Pillay-spice to these.)

1. A Coach

A coach’s role is to get you on the road to success and keep you there. Coaches help you identify and develop your best skills and tools, push through barriers that arise, and brainstorm your next level of creativity and growth. This person asks you the tough questions and holds you accountable. Actually, you will not like them very much because they challenge you; but they are so good for you. A coach makes you go a little bit further - even when you’re tired and ready to go home.

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” - African Proverb

2. A Friend

Everyone has a friend, and everyone needs a friend - but this part of The Fab Four is no ordinary friend. This friend is one that listens without judging or troubleshooting, and accepts you even when you are at your very worst. This friend is the best listener you know.

3. A Mentor

Your mentor might also be called your role model. They may demonstrate the attributes, skills and talents you want to add to your professional toolbox. Often, this person may be in the same profession as you, but not always. It is important to connect and learn from others who can show you the way. I am a pastor; however, I have a mentor who is not in the pastorate, but is in business and is a growth strategist.

4. A Cheerleader

The cheerleader will help you double your joy and divide your pain. He or she will be a supporter and advocate when you’re down - a person that gives you a constant reminder to celebrate throughout the process of reaching your goals – and will be your anchor of encouragement.

“I love doing life with other people. It is always more fun to succeed and struggle with community.” - Paul Steele

These are the people - The Fab Four - who I recommend you have in your life… and I challenge you to also BE one of these people for someone else.

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