He Is Coming Again: How shall we then wait?

Jesus came, just like He said He would. But God’s promises don’t end there. Just like God’s people waited with eager anticipation for Jesus to come rescue them from their sins, we are waiting too.

Jesus is coming again! In the fullness of time, He will split the sky and descend and destroy all wickedness, receive the worship that is rightfully His and begin an unending fellowship with Him. We should believe in, think about, look to, and prepare for that day.

The day of Jesus’ return is certain and coming. How shall we then wait?

Peter asks and answers this very question in his second letter. In love, he reminds his readers that, though the days seem long and weary in the waiting, God is not slow in keeping His promise. He assures them of the absolute reality of the appointed day when Jesus will return. And he tells them exactly what kinds of lives they are to live in light of this coming day - lives of holiness, godliness, and hopeful expectation.

Peter’s exhortation are just as much for us today as they were for the believers he wrote to long ago. We too are living in the days of God’s patient mercy. We need to be reminded that really believing in and looking toward the reality of Jesus’ return changes the way we live. It reorients our hope and perspective. It creates a sense of urgency and sobriety, a great anticipation.

We wait for God by listening to His Word. Tony Reinke

Peter knows that the Christ follower’s life is not lived on autopilot. Those who are born again fight to grow. But it is a fight we cannot lose. God’s own power has provided all we need.

Let us, the people of God be found ready in the waiting. Take some time to reflect on how the reality of Jesus’ return affects the way we live. May our hearts be full and eyes bright as we hope all things in Christ and look to His coming. Take heart, friends. It won’t be long.

We wait with hope. We live lives of joy, peace, and compassion. We never stop sharing of The One who brought us from death to life.

Shaun Pillay